ASHA Leader

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The ASHA Leader is ASHA’s official bimonthly news magazine. The print publication is a trusted news source for readers and a valued member benefit, delivering award-winning content:

  • Cutting-edge research advances
  • In-depth clinical and research features on treatment approaches, professional issues, and specific communication disorders
  • Professional tips, tools, and resources for readers to do their jobs
  • Explanations of how health care and education trends affect their practices
  • Members’ accomplishments

Advertising in The ASHA Leader connects you with the largest audience of customers and job seekers in the speech, language, and audiology markets. It is a resource that professionals turn to find products, CE programs, and employment. Book your ad space today and start growing your business.

The ASHA Leader: Evolved to Enhance Your Digital Experience

In order to provide industry professionals the most relevant, up-to-date, high-quality content, ASHA posts articles continuously, throughout the week, on Leader Live. Check out the print deadlines and editorial planned below, along with digital ad options.

Sell more products, fill your seats, and hire with confidence with The ASHA Leader advertising.


  • 73% of ASHA professionals searching for continuing education opportunities consider advertisements in The ASHA Leader as important1
  • 83% of members in academics indicate that The ASHA Leader would be important in their job search if they were changing jobs today1
  • 65% of job seekers consider The ASHA Leader an important resource1
  • The primary source of ASHA news and information is The ASHA Leader, followed by the ASHA website and ASHA Now e-newsletter2


  • 225,000+ audiologists; speech-language pathologists; speech, language, and hearing scientists; CSD students; and other subscribers

Rates and Sizes

Additional ASHA Leader Ad Offerings

Leader Live Banner Advertising

  • ASHA Leader Live New Content Alert – Exclusive Offering! Promote your products, services, or job openings into ASHA member and NSSLHA students’ inboxes every week.
  • Leader Live is the digital component of ASHA’s news magazine offering banner advertising impressions available run-of-site or based on targeted content topics or keywords.

ASHA Voices
Award-winning biweekly podcast focused on the issues that matter in the speech-language-hearing world.

2024 Calendar

Issue Mail Date Editorial Focus* Space Deadline^ Art Deadline
January/February January 4 Early Intervention December 1 December 5
March/April February 27 Social Determinants of Health February 2 February 6
May/June April 20 Screens, Social Isolation, and Lost Communication April 5 April 9
July/August July 2 Acting Locally for Schools May 31 June 4
September/October August 27 Early Career Movers and Shakers  August 2 August 6
November/December October 29 Communication Access in Health Care October 4 October 8

*The editorial calendar is subject to change based on CSD news and events.

^Sometimes, space for job listings is still available after the space deadline date. Contact us to see if we can make room for your ad. You may always advertise on the ASHA Career Portal if you have missed the deadline.

Ad Specs

For optimum reproduction quality, your materials should be sent according to our specifications.

1 ASHA Readership Survey (2018)
2 ASHA Now Survey (2020)


The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is the national professional, scientific, and credentialing association for members and affiliates who are audiologists, speech-language pathologists, speech, language, and hearing scientists, audiology and speech-language pathology assistants, and students.



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